Tuesday, March 5, 2013


This. This is what Bean looked like around this time last year. This!
He was chubby, rotund, and all the best kinds of squishy.
It was his season of life to eat-to-live-to-eat, catch up on seven seasons of Dexter, and ignite a local epidemic of babyious feverious in every grocery store and coffee shop within a 10 mile radius. 

Oh, oh, and we had this great song&dance routine at bedtime. 
 He would pretend to be a big boy and fall asleep in the bassinet, to impress DaDa. 

 And get this, this is the best part. 
I would pretend to be a big girl and put him IN the bassinet. 

Like he wasn't gonna sleep that night, or the next, or the next seventy-four nuzzled in the cocoon of that which is, my left armpit.


Comedy gold. 


{Bon Bon}


  1. Stop it! The cuteness is too much! ;)

  2. and now he's already a little man.
    what's with babies??? once you blink now they're all grown.

  3. It is crazy how much he has grown and changed in the last year! Why does time have to go so fast??

  4. Oh my gosh, I wanna squeeze him {back in time!}. What a cutie!

  5. Always so nice to rewind to see how far you've (or our littles) have come. What a squishy little cutey pie.

  6. What a cutie!! I have learned that time goes by sooo much quicker once you have a little! I'm so glad you commented on your blog or I probably never would have found yours!

  7. Stop that was NOT a whole year ago! He's gotten so big!! Such a cutie, and if I saw him in a grocery store I'd be happy as a clam.

  8. He is adorable! And I can't believe that was a YEAR ago! Crazy! You are smart to rewind sometimes and think back...it goes by too fast!

  9. ahhh chunky baby cheeks = total cuteness!! and I love your little jokes, too fun, and too clever!

  10. Cuteness overload!!!! And that shirt?! Awesome.

  11. Adorable! And has me aching for that stage of chub and boob and giggles and armpit naps. (Okay, I still get the armpit naps, which is probably not helping me to be productive during the day, or help my kid with her ongoing sleep issues, but wahhhhh! she's my baybeee and will only be little for a short time!!!)

    Thanks for visiting my blog, btw. Glad to meet you on the internet.

  12. Aww!! Adorablee!! I love seeing this picture, and his most recent ones!

    Love love your style & your blog! And now following ya! <3 <3

  13. he has grown so much in the last year! Such a little man :)

  14. Ssssssuper cute. I love that comedy routine. It's my fave.
