Towards the end of my pregnancy, I was getting anxiously excited about returning to the gym.
I have always been an athletic-minded and activity-involved kind of girl.
And the last few weeks of pregnancy...
{the few weeks where the simple task of putting on a pair of shoes became a feat of Olympic proportions.
and waddling from one end of Target to the other was my IronMan}
Never in my life had I wanted to do a pushup more.
My midwife gave me the exercise green-light the other day.
Daniel gave me the snazzy new Nike shoes.
My gallon of chocolate milk is sitting in the fridge.
There's my secret to success.
a sugary post-workout drink.
and honestly, what I'm most excited about. per usual.
Time to do a pushup. or two.
{Bon Bon}
I've never been pregnant, but I have had surgery that made it impossible to work out for a while. Why is it that you want to work out most when you are told you can't?? Guess that goes for a lot of things in life.
Enjoy your first day working it, but don't over do it! You still want to be able to pick up that boy of yours :)
sucks when you have to put
excersice on hold :( that happened
to me when my knees gave up on me
i am back up and ready to hit
the gym .. can't wait to get all
that energy back and feel more
good luck love!
Melina ♥
ps : i do the chocolate milk after
a workout too haha ♥
I've been lucky enough to continue my workouts for now, but they are getting so much more difficult. I can't wait to be able to push myself again!
Go get 'em Tiger!
Go get it girl!! I cant even wait to get back to the gym, it kills me to just eat and eat and feel like im getting unhealthy. What im most excited for is joining a gym this summer and trying some new classes! have fun! :)
Oh goodness... I have had the green light for months now and I just never find any TIME. I need to get back so bad! Have fun!
AWE-SOME! you'll have to let me know how you like these shoes! I almost bought them but.. didn't. welcome back to grueling work outs (:
Yea girl! get it!
I think tomorrow is going to be my big "let's get back to it" day. I wish us both luck lol
You go girl! If I dont exercise for a while then i have all this energy built up and I run for a ridiculous amount of time and then I'm dead the next day... :) haha
I'm not pregnant nor have I ever been, but I definitely need to take a lesson from you. Chocolate milk might be a good place to start -- the idea of a small reward is great. :)
I drink chocolate milk after my workouts too. I read Lance Armstrong does the same thing so I don't feel the least bit guilty about it.
Work it girl! You can doooo ittt! Although, I know you're going to be back to that itty bitty body of yours in no time ;)
You go girl! :-)
X Mandy
Wow, you go, lady! After reading this, i feel guilted/inspired into doing the same.. I don't take the time to exercise (and my babe is 6 months old already.. ridiculous!) SO today is the day for me too! Thanks! :)
hahaha-I love this! I seriously have dreams about running...oh, and I tried playing Twister the other day with a 3 and 6 year old (I totally get the not being able to bend over!).
You will rock-enjoy your pushups :) Can you do a few for me?
I am going to attempt Ironman at Marshalls today...
I haven't found time to work out much. Generally about twice a week for the last month, but even with that I feel like I have much more energy so that has definitely been helpful when dealing with the babe. Good luck!
you can do it put your back into it...i can do it put your assss in to it (thats a very old rap song hahah)
youre a mommy rockstar!! now you just need a little baby backpack adn u can bring the babe running and exercising with you. How cute would that be!!
good luck with your pushup
That is so exciting that you will be getting back to your workout regime! :) I would be going crazy too!
I always drink chocolate milk after my workouts! I also love Silk 's Almond Milk Dark Chocolate, can we say AMAZING! You should try it!
Ummmm... I want that Insanity workout. Holy shit.. I'm actually kind of afraid of Shaun T's 12 pack. It's pretty much barking at me.
And I'm sure you look just amazing after baby. You are one of those girls who gain like 5 lbs more than you actual baby weight and it just slips right off a few weeks after baby is born
you are beautiful. And i'm sure any extra weight has gone straight to your tatas :)
Sabrina Says
Happy exercising to you!! Glad you are able to get back at it!
I know EXACTLY how you feel! I was the same way. The day I got the go ahead, I was at the gym running! Happy exercising to you :-)
thanks for visiting and for the comment! you have an adorable family and a lovely blog! hope to stay connected in the future!
aw, good luck!!! i'm sure you'll get back in the swing of things faster than you thought possible.
woooooo! yeahhhh!!! you're awesome!!! GO!!!!
that was the cheerleader in me busting out in full form.
you go girl! and what amazing shoes...;) hope you're having a great weekend!
This makes me sad- I cannot imagine being further along in pregnancy and not being able to move, let alone work out! Yuck!
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