Shopping, cleaning, and baking are done for the day, and our cozy little apartment is warmly filled with scents of apple, pumpkin, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I kinda love this time of year. Food, family, and friends. The simple things are amazing things. God continually blows me away with His provision and love for me. Now me and my husband. Us. My daily challenge to myself is to never take any of it for granted.
"It" being: A husband who loves me and loves living the marriage adventure daily with me. Family who support us above and beyond. Friends we can be in community with. The perfect timing in God's plan for us even when we can't see it. Jobs and financial blessings. A place all to ourselves, that we've been able to make into a home.
I'll stop there before I write a book.
This year as I hear about health battles, money troubles, and desperate times, I am reminded of who I put my trust in.
God is good all the time. All the time God is good.
He shows up in those little things.
and the big things.
And He loves us.
In the cold times.
and all the darkness.
And He loves us.
I'm most thankful for that. Love.
So tomorrow, and especially long after the turkey has been turned into sandwiches and soup, give thanks. Those everyday little things all add up. We have so much to be thankful for.
What are you giving thanks for this year?