The other day, the stud hubs came home from work, (normal), walked through the door, (normal), saw me peeking out from the bedroom, (sometimes normal), sitting with one leg stretched towards the light, (occasionally normal), with a pair of tweezers, (maybe normal), and blood all over my foot, (uhhhhh).
A few days earlier I had knocked over my glass of iced tea. Broken glass and sticky sugary liquid all over the wood floor.
I'm 23 years old and I need a plastic sippy cup.
Fast forward to me and my foot, somehow managing to find the last shard of glass that made it's magical pilgrimage to the Land of Right-Before-Our-Bedroom-Door.
I had flashbacks of my Dad helping me pull out things I had stepped on throughout my life: a tack, itchy bark dust, splinters of a broken lightbulb, remnants of what once had been a picture frame...
Now it's Daniel's turn. He has his hands full being married to me.
Nothing better than a man you love, kissing your boo-boos and handing you a Transformers Band-Aid.
{Bon Bon}
Awww. Sweet!
Although I'm sorry for your foot.
Hope it gets better soon!
That's so cute! Hope your foot is okay and no more glass is laying around :) xo
hope your foot is better. i notice that you and i always blog at night heheh well i hope you're a little more careful next time
Ohh dear bonnie, you are more than meets the eye, so the tansformers band aids seem like the perfect boo boo fixer! You & your hubs are cuteness x1000! xox!
Get well soon!
Awe! Poor Bon Bon, you sound like me -- especially in the morning. Aren't husbands the best?!
<3 leigh
Ouch! That sounds painful!
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Hahaha that's hilar. I am the clumsiest person - sowwy to my future husband to be!
Poor you! Aww. That sounds like somthing I would do. I always drop EVERYTHING. I hope it gets better soon!
PS: I love your bandaids.
aww dont worry you are not alone. i spill ALL the time. and lose things. and forget things.. no good :) xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams
sounds like you got a good man there! :)
I absolutely need a sippy cup... not coz I drop things.. but I just don't seem able to drink from a glass without somehow dribbling on myself... *how embarassment!* Usually when we are out, I will ask for a straw, to avoid any unsightly spillage!
Hmmm... why don't they make adult sippy cups?? The closest thing is like a travel cup/mug.. (so not as fun!)
Hope your foot gets better soon..
Transformers Band Aids - FTW! (almost worth getting a boo boo for.. hehe..)
At least your spillage was on wooden floor and not carpet.. sugary liquid on carpet = BADness..
Caz @ Monkeying Around xx
ughhhh... i literally got queezy reading this post...it's not so much the blood, i just don't handle pain well! *shivers* and the thought of little shards of anything in your foot makes me cringe!
{...weirdly though, I'd be the first one to grab tweasers and take glass out of my hubby's foot.lol}
oh man I'd love a good transformers band-aid!
I remember crying like you would not believe every time someone removed a splinter for me. I may have been what some of us would refer to as "dramatic" ; )
haha this sounds like me. I am unforgivably clumsy! I hope your foot is okay!
Lame! I hope you got all of the glass out!
When I was a kid there was one decent sized earthquake in Oregon. I got out of bed to figure out what had just happened and walked into the kitchen barefoot. My parents had lined the top of all of the cabinets with these cool looking glass bottles and somehow I didn't notice that a bunch had fallen and there was glass all over the floor. Bad morning for me.
Awww, this is so sweet =) I love cool bandaids like that! I have My Little Pony ones! x
oh that is slightly traumatic. and funny. but sometimes i think innapropriate things are funny.
So funny. Mike and I have star wars band-aids. =)
Ouch. But sweet story. :)
band-aids are always better with characters on them! even if you are 21 (or 23) years old!!!
haha those are so awesome.
kids bandaids always make everything feel better. boys too, i guess... ;)
Aww. That is so sweet. You cracked me up with the sippy cup. Back in my "work days" I ruined a keyboard, and the I.T. guys who were so incredibly funny, and kind told me " you really should look into getting a sippy cup".
Fast forward a few years. New Mac, New Keyboard. Ruined another keyboard. These days hubs has a keyboard cover on so I won't spill anything. :)
P.S. Transformers? Nice. Here it is Handy Manny (disney cartoon).
girl you are hilarious and those bandaids rock. transformers? uhm, yeah!
i love your blog and that you need a plastic sippy cup ;)
please do come say hello and follow back if you'd like! we'd really love to have you around! :)
<3, kandice
Sweet husbands are the best! That's totally something I would do though, too. Oh, and kids bandaids are can totally make things better.
ha ha I love it. I can one up you, I stepped on a nail sticking straight up, you need a sippie cup and I need to live in a plastic bubble.
Wearing It On My Sleeves
I'm sorry about your boo-boo, but this story was hilarious!
Awww so sweet. Love the cute bandaids. I have the hello kitty bandaids and the peanuts bandaids for everybody else since I'm the only female in the house. :)
After seeing this post this morning, I went to get Transformers band-aids for The Kid, but they didn't have any! Spiderman it was.
Maybe you should replace all the glass in your house with plastic. After the glass pizza incident and now this, you're scaring me!
Cutest story ever :)
Hope your foots alright!
Aww cute!! I remember doing something similar for my hubby last summer after he decided to play volleyball with friends on a half grass/half dirt field.. not such a good idea if you're not wanting massive size blisters!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! :)
how sad! Feel better! My husb and I like kiddy band-aids too, I have hello kitty and he has spiderman. :)
Oh my gosh! One time I was at my neighbor's house and we were playing on her slip-n-slide and when we were done I wrapped my towel around my legs and tied it at my waist. Then I was walking across their wooden deck but since my towel wrapped all the way down my legs I could pick my feet up so they just scooted along the surface of the deck. (Enter 34 splinters in one foot and 16 in the other). Yep, the rest of the day was spent laying on my parents big bed while my dad dissected my foot! I feel your pain!
Oh my gosh! One time I was at my neighbor's house and we were playing on her slip-n-slide and when we were done I wrapped my towel around my legs and tied it at my waist. Then I was walking across their wooden deck but since my towel wrapped all the way down my legs I could pick my feet up so they just scooted along the surface of the deck. (Enter 34 splinters in one foot and 16 in the other). Yep, the rest of the day was spent laying on my parents big bed while my dad dissected my foot! I feel your pain!
Aww - I'm sorry about your foot. How sweet of your hubby to help - hope you're feeling better.
Thanks for checking out my blog Life with Elizabeth and for your sweet comment. :)
i love this story! not because you hurt your foot (i'm so sorry about THAT part) but the story itself reminds me of what happens in my house! and there really is nothing better than him coming home and fixing what's gone wrong... and transformer band-aids are so frequently used in my house!! =)
Ugh that gave me chills just reading it! I hope your foot is okay! By the way, I totally need a plastic sippy too. Not so much for the dropping, but the spilling. I ahve a hole in my lip.
hey, I love your blog so I just awarded you the versatile blogger award!!
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and that's why love is amazing.
This is uber cute! Love this post...I'm sorry you stepped on glass, I hate when that happens! Love your band-aids--I saw some my little pony baind-aids the other day and I totally wanted them but I thought it may lead to a band-aid collection that I would be soooo embarrased of. Well, maybe not. I use band-aids all the time when shoes rub funny, lol. Hope your footsie is feeling much better!
Oh my gosh, poor Bon Bon!! I would have also been crying.
I love this new design. It is absolutely adorable!!
there's no one who tells a story like you, i laugh until pain occurs! this gets filed under the rad title of "more than meets the eye"! haha love it lady.
and thanks for your comments, do they ever make my day a better one. i'm thinking "the donut address" will need it's very own ftp soon ; )
keep that sippy cup close by at all times, we don't want anymore bleed outs doll. ♥
I bet that Transformers band-aid made EVERYTHING better, right??
I am 25 and have Hello Kitty Band-aids.
I heart you very much. <3
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