{the real deal}
BOO! Scared you, right? Don't worry, it's just little ol' me. I know things look different around these parts, but it's all good. I'm still "me." Your still "you." Change is good. Embrace the change.
A BIG HUMONGOUS GIGANTIC ENORMOUS SMORGASBORD THANKS to the fabulous {Christa} for sharing her talented blog designer self here at The Whim Wham Life.
Seriously. She's a doll.
In other news.
I was checking my blog stats info stuff, and noticed several visits from a Females-Hot-Sox website. I'm assuming I have {this} post to thank. With one hand covering my eyes, I decided to check them out. Hoping I wouldn't be scarred for life.
Speaking of scarred for life: That one week where both Phyllis on The Office and Bon Bon in Real Life were flashed. Oh the irony. Or that one time a few weeks ago, where I googled a picture of a grapefruit and somehow ended up on a Russian Mail-Order Bride website.
My life should be a movie.
P.S. No permanent damage done from hot sox, (a website dedicated to the joys of knee high socks?)Slightly intriguing and creepy.
P.P.S. I think I need to read my Bible now.
Oh hey, have a fantastic and non-creepy weekend!
{Bon Bon}
Hello Pretty Doll! I've tagged you in my latest blog post, I hope you'll join? :)
hahaha i'm not even going to ask how you got on a mail-order-bride site from googling grapefruit, buttttt if you're ever in need of some sporting goods equipment and want to go to Dicks Sporting Goods website...the URL is not, I REPEAT NOT dicks.com. Made that mistake, at work. goodtimes.
BAHAHA. funniest Bee ever. Happy wknd!
Thanks for checking out my website! You should check out my Whole Food's gift card giveaway. It's the last day!
Become a follower and enter :)
First time to your site, and I have to say, you've got my attention. What with that picture and all the other intrigue mentioned here.
You were flashed?! It's hard to believe crap like that happens. Here's to healing...the soul and the eyes you probably wished would burn out of their sockets.
The blog looks awesome! Love the new look (:
Oh dear Lord, you got flashed? This is not good! That was a funny office episode though!
Hope you have an awesome weekend girlie!
You are HILARIOUS my dear friend!!!! Oh how I have missed you!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the new blog look! I hope you have a somewhat normal weekend ;) <3
Sometimes googling can be so dang dangerous haha.
I can't comprehend any of the engineering things my boyfriend does either, glad to know I'm not alone.
I like the new, simple look!
Love your new design!! Looks great! And cute costume ;)
This post cracked me up! It's funny--my friend Heather messaged me on FB about this website and didn't include the link so when I googled it I had to be extra careful I spelled the site name right in the navi bar, lol. I was afraid I'd of where it may take me...They are super cute socks though! Thanks for making me laugh! Have a super awesome weekend!
P.S. Your site looks wonderful! I like the new look!
LOVE the new look girl! It is so fantastic!
Happy weekend! :)
thanks for visiting my blog! yours is cute!
happy weekend!
You can really pull the bee look. Oh, and the mustache too. You know, I can't say that about many women. Haha
Love your new look. I'm talking about the blog now.
Happy Weekend!
You're so cute, I don't know anyone who can pull off the bee look better than you!
LOVE the new blog design! XOXO
Seriously, how adorable can you "bee?" Get it? Haha.
Bon Bon,
Nice costume. ;) Also, I've never understood the knee high anything. It always makes me think little school girl, or sweet gramma's and their knee highs.
In other news. I was given "a Lovely blog" award, and even though we are recently acquainted, I wanted to pass it on to you. (Though you may have already gotten it.) I am an itty bitty blog, so you do not have to link up to me, just receive it, and know I think your blog is lovely.
Hope you have a beautiful weekend, whatever you have planned.
so digging the new look my dear. I love it all and this picture cracks me up. Not as much as the getting cyber staked but hey knee high socks can do that to you.
Write it in Lipstick
i love the new look... so fresh and perfect for spring. i also really love your picture... hilarious. :)
The blog looks FANTASTIC!!! Congrats!!
LOVE the new design!
bonbon wow upgrading to the superawesomelycool blog design me likey {; the picture of you is my favorite thus far. keep keepin it original babydoll
Love the makeover. So crisp and fresh. Love it!
I have accidentally been forwarded to some not so pleasant websites before. Last week at work I typed in www.dicks.com (Trying to get to Dicks Sporting Goods.) I have no idea why I thought that would be the correct web address. Imagine my surprise when I saw what popped up on my work computer. WHOOPS!!!! Lesson learned. :)
BON BON!! (I'm yelling from excitement! uhh... *runs off*)
Loving the new look!!
*wants blog makeover now too*
Amazing photo! Not so amazing getting flashed... eww!
Happy rest of weekend!!
the non-creepiness in your life makes me oh so happy. weird? possibly. but it makes me smile, so who cares!
Ha! Too funny how ppl end up at our blogs sometimes.
Have you entered my giveaway?
the blog looks awesome. i love it.
Love your blog and adding it to my reader now :-)
haha you're a funny gal aren't ya?
i was a bee for halloween once.
but i'm afraid you look a little more awesome than i did.
Oh the joy of knee highs. I'm with you on this one.
hmmm i am kinda intrigued by hot sox. and seriously creeped at the same time :)
too funny
you are 10,000 shades of hilarious. i've been laughing at that picture for like 5 minutes now! hope you had a great weekend!
oh my goodness. your pic cracks me up. I love love love the new blog look! ;)
SOOO FUNNY!!!! Love it! Your blog looks great!
hilarious and I LOVE the look.
I love the new blog design! It's even cooler and I really liked the one before so it's not like I'm saying, "Wow, I'm so glad your blog doesn't look like crap anymore." No. Because it didn't. You know...before. But it looks good now, too. Okay. Sigh. I need to learn to edit myself in these comments. Whatever.
Bon Bon!!! I have visits from that site TOO! haha I don't know why... maybe because I wore knee highs once? hmmm..
I love the new design it looks wonderful!
Sabrina Says
Haha, looks so funny! :)
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