*For anyone and everyone that was asking about the lip color I was wearing last week: {Sephora} Ultra Vinyl Lip Pencil in Strawberry Delish.
*Free tip of the day: these are very comparable to Urban Decay's lip pencils AND you save $7! That's SEVEN ice cream cones from McDonalds. Shopping and food is the only motivation to ever do math.
*Baby Bean now does tap dance routines on my bladder at 12AM and 5AM. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or pee my pants.
*I deleted 500 "friends" off of facebook the other day. It was quite liberating actually. In a moment of insanity(sanity), I almost deleted the whole thing. But then I thought, how else could I possibly get my Farmville updates? And Grandma Bess does like to know what I'm up to. So, keep it I did. Curse you Mark Zuckerburg and your iron-clad grip on my life.
*Farmville was a joke. I promise.
*Grandma Bess was not. Hi Grandma!
*I am now on Blogger/Twitter/Instagram/Words with Friends: Bon Bon/whimwhamlife/bonifous/BonBonVoyage...this is getting out of control. Play with me?
P.S. Check out the updated "about me" section {here}
{Bon Bon}
I too curse Zuckerburg...
I second the cursing of Mr Zuckerburg. Wasn't the deleting of "friends" soooo refreshing! I remember doing that. Im gonna have to check this lip pencil ish outtt! Beautiful! <3
It's good if you just talk, it's fun to read :)
bonbonvoyage is my favorite name of them all!!
im so glad you are TWEEEEETING now! chirp chirp!
facebook is a love/hate with me. I dont know like 300 people im friends with (i KNOW them, but i dont knooooow them) if you know what i mean hahah
Haha which is why I hardly add people on FB. It's kind of like inviting people into your home when you don't know them all too well!
Belly B :)
I just got a FB for my blog yesterday. Social media has now taken over my life.
Nothing like a facebook cleanse!
Im now following you on twitter, oh hilarious one.
As soon as the baby arrives, you'll be glad you didn't delete your FB--it's really the easiest way to share photos and videos with your far-away friends and family.
That said, my kid is also the reason I could never get rid of my FB entirely. I am forever tethered to a digital wall. :-/
reading your blog makes me smile ALWAYS
I am about to do the SAME thing on facebook... but umm can we be friends? ; )
oooh I gotta try this and I love that about your Grandma! My Grandma is a friend on FB too and everytime she comments about my crazy nights out - I just have to giggle. I adore Grandma's :-)
way to go on deleting those 'friends'.
i have a strange fear that if i 'unfriend' someone they will die and or something traumatic will occur in their life....strange, i know.
...next comes PINTEREST! Do it...
I did the same thing with Facebook. Agreed...liberating!! Just a warning, be prepared for people to ask to be your friend again. Awkward!!
I need to do the same thing with Facebook! UGH!!!!! There are so many people that I don't even talk to anymore on there.
you are so funny! I love hearing your spin on things!
500 friends off facebook? man... the last time i delete people off my friends list, i got questions like "why did you delete me?" ahhh it was horrible! LOL!
hey! for some reason, i don't get updates from farmville anymore! woot woot! and hi to your grandma!
-robots in trouble
HAHA I used to love Farmville when it first came out on FB! I have to find you on twitter!! XOXO
Yes! FB purging is one of my favorite hobbies too! :)
I go through--a little click happy--& buh-bye to people I spoke with once in high school.
I love when they friend request me back . . . apparently I must write some intriguing statuses?!
Love, Leigh
That color totally works for you. It looks good!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Oh and I once deleted my FB... Untill I didn't get invited to parties and meet-ups anymore because they selected friend via FB because everyone has FB, right?
So now we're back in the FB business haha!
Congratulations on adding a new addition to your family, yall are such a cute couple! :)
Hah! I love that the $7 equates to McD cones. Our comparison is Hi-chews, a Japanese chewy candy. :)
i may or may not have just bought this same lip color solely due to this very post :)
I absolutely LOVE that color. I think I need it!
Hello!Thankyouu for stopping by and reading my blog I really appreciate it,Im glad u like my Akward Turtle.I would be really happy if you followed my blog?Im going to follow yours (: I really loved reading it x
I delete facebook acquaintances all the time. I just look at their profile, and I'm like "If I were in your town, would I call you to go out for coffee?" Nope. Delete.
I have the exact same Sephora gloss pencil! It looks better on you though :) Thanks for stopping by Embarrassment of Riches; I'm glad I found your blog in the process!
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