Only a few weeks left to go until Baby Bean makes his grand debut.
I'm hoping weeks. I need to relish in a few more nights of uninterrupted happy-go-lucky slumber.
I also need a couple more motivational pep talks between me and the ol' cervix.
She got a little nervous again today...
{I'm assuming a cervix is a "she"}
after my midwife spoke these reassuring words:
"Oh wow. That's his head all the way down there. BIG! And what's this? Oh, that's his bottom. BIG!"
key word: BIG
from head to toe
Miss Cervix was like, "Ahhhh, hellz no!"
{Bon Bon}
You got this, girlfriend!
Aww I've only got a few more weeks too and sooo anxious for my little plum to get here.
Kinda weird, but I've been doing some prenatal yoga with youtube videos every day and it helps soooo much with prepping mind and helping with relaxing for birth and stuff. It actually helps!
Hang in there!
Cervix is a she for sure!
You can do it!! :) I can't wait to see photos of the big guy!
Hahahaha. My cervix just started freaking out reading about your poor cervix. : )
Of course anything is going to be "big" in comparison to your cervix...but by the looks of you, this dude is going to be a little guy (I'm totally an expert)! Seriously, I understand that since youre tall he has more space to spread out, but GIRL I wish I looked as good as you when I'm 7 months pregnant! I was a freakin whale! You are teeny so your bean has to be too! :)
Having a big baby is one of my biggest fears!! Good luck!
Ah! Your cervix has anxiety....I hope it calms down soon! You are going to be wonderful and you will forget all about it once that sweet bean is here! :)
Oh dear...Good luck!
Of course you can darling! :-)
Oh my...hang in there. You can do it! Just keep telling your cervix that. Haha.
I'd love to give you a pep talk, since I've done the whole "have a baby thing" three times...but I think I'll just laugh. You're hilarious.
We were told that our baby had a massive head. We even had to go through two ultrasounds because of it which "confirmed" the large head talk. It turns out they were completely wrong though. Her head size after she was born was completely average. So my advice is, don't worry about it!
girl, i totally don't blame your cervix. that's scary shit. but you got this. get some drugs and some happy music and this baby will slide right out.
YOU GOT THIS!!! Go cervix go!!!!
yay! can't wait to meet the baby bean. :)
You crack me up. This is awesome.
you are probably the funniest person I know of that I've never met. You make sure you give that cervix the attention it deserves! Jam in as many pep talks as possible!
Ahh... this made me laugh. You're awesome. I was a big headed baby myself. My mama still brings that up. Heh. But one of my younger sisters was a 10 lb baby- pretty big all around- and she was one of the easier ones according to my mom. Maybe baby will surprise you. :)
I am not nearly as far along as you are and I am already FREAKING out. My cervix is not happy at all...I can only imagine my thoughts when I am almost there like you are! You are one tought cookie, though! Me? Notsomuch.
You will do great! Mrs. Cervix is a wonder. I deliverd a 7 lb 9 1/2 oz-er the first time around and an 8 lb 9 oz-er the second...all with my 115 lb. 5' 4" self. I may be crazy but giving birth is by far the coolest thing I have every done and I quite enjoy it. Try drinking raspberry tea, it helps soften the cervix and will help the bleeding stop quicker after delivery. (Sorry if that was TMI for the blogging world!)
HAHA you are hilarious :-) Try to relax and have fun :-) This will be a big moment for you!
you can do it bonnie!!
read "hypnobirthing". i've been reading it and it's awesome. it talks a lot about the power of positive thinking and the mind body connection. so basically if you just tell your cervix to open up you can will it to happen....ok....well....it's a little more involved than that, but hey...positive thinking can't hurt. and for real... check out the book. it's been really interesting and helpful.
Hahah this blog post both made me laugh and freaked me out just a tiny bit... :O
Ohhhh my. Umm....Uhoh! Bonnnniiieeee! You are about to become a Mommy. That is the best thing on the planet. Until then, slumber it up girlfriend! Amazing. xox!
Ahh!! Oh dear. I'll be praying for you, and for him to stay in there a little longer! You'll be just fine (: xo
You're going to do great!
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