Sweet and salty is one of my favorite flavor combos. Typical girl. French fries in my milkshake. Potato Chips with chocolate chips. It's all good.
Daniel and I like to make a big bowl of these fluffy kernels on a regular basis. Tag team style.
He shakes the pot for me, and I supervise. Sometimes sports are on, ok, usually sports are on, and he gets a little sidetracked, so the shaking can easily transform into...no shaking. And burning.
Silly boy.
Heat the vegetable oil in a large pot over medium heat. Once hot, stir in the sugar and popcorn. Cover, and shake the pot constantly to keep the sugar from burning. Once the popping has slowed to once every 2 to 3 seconds, remove the pot from the heat and continue to shake for a few minutes until the popping has stopped. Pour into a large bowl, and allow to cool, stirring occasionally to break up large clumps.Sprinkle with salt (to your taste preference). Enjoy!
{Bon Bon}
num num
Thanks for the recipe!!
I usually just buy the stuff in a bag that's already made basically...
Is this better?
mmmm now im craving carmel corn and cheddar popcorn!! xoxo jcd:: cornflake dreams
mmmm now im craving carmel corn and cheddar popcorn!! xoxo jcd:: cornflake dreams
kettle corn is my FAVE!!! sweet n salty!! om nom nom!!
fries in your milkshake?? I dip my fries in ice cream sundae.. but not my milkshake... mmmm now I want fries n sundae!!
my mister was like.. EWWWW that's so gross... then I made him try it.. and now he's converted!!
I never knew how to make kettle corn at home before, I'm totally gonna try this tonight.. the mister's never had it before.. but I generally burn my popcorn, so.. hmmm... fingers crossed it doesn't turn into an exercise in trying to stop the smoke alarm going off!! hehe...
homemade kettle corn is the only way to go! well done :)
mmmm, love popcorn as well! this reminds me that i must make some today!
You have my mouth watering!!!! I love sweet and salty too, definitely the best.
xo C.
oh goodness! thanks for posting this! one of my favorite memories includes a LOST marathon, snuggling with robert, and a giant bowl of kettle corn! making this this weekend:)
Yummm :) My boyfriend and I love air pop popcorn! But I bet this would spice up our popcorn craving! Thanks for the recipe!
yum yum! thanks for sharing!
I've never made kettle corn... that sounds super easy and of course, delicious!!! Thanks for the recipe pretty lady!!!! <3
you make it from scratch you got mad skills love it.
Wow. Y'all make it from scratch?? I'm impressed.
YUM! Making that ASAP. Gosh, my stomach is growling!
<3 leigh
My husband hates kettle corn. He doesn't think his popcorn should be sweet. He is lame.
Now I'm craving fries and a milkshake. Yummmmm.
I love fries with a milkshake! And popcorn, yum!
this looks delicious! definitely trying this recipe..im usually a microwave popcorn girl...yes im lazy...but this looks 100% better!
oh my! i am suddenly in desperate need of an evening snack!
Yummmmm. Thank you for this!
yummmmmmm! thanks for sharing!
xx kelli
I am DEFINITELY trying this out! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
yum!!! I'm soooo trying this!!
Thank you!!
I've been needing this recipie! Thanks! Check out my give-a-way on my blog!
Yum. That looks amazing! :D
You must like those pretzel m&m's then!
yum...looks delish! kettle corn is definitely a fave. :)
dang girl, i love me some kettle corn! it's a crave that shows up practically on a daily basis. did you see Mandi's uber cute take on it: here, it's awesome too!
cheers to many more handfuls. ♥
Absolutely craving this right now. Typing quickly so that I can go pop a bag. Only because I don't have kernels right this moment. But I will have to try this soon!
best sweet/salty combo is pretzels in vanilla ice cream. forget the spoon, just scoop up the ice cream with the pretzel! Made. By. God. Himself. ♥
Homemade? GENIUS! Thanks for this!
My huz and I dedicated a pot to carmel corn making because we got sick of cleaning up the sugary mess. I guess that also means we were making a lot... we were. i add a pinch of salt to mine to kick up the sweet/salty factor. And also sometimes mix white and brown sugar, they produce two distinct tastes. Also, to test the oil, i throw a few kernels in when I start the oil and when they pop, it means it's time to get cooking.
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