Note to Self
While organizing iPhoto, (and uber-prego), there will be a certain category of photographic proportions that should be avoided.
A time in life, not so long ago, when you spent hours. perhaps days. galavanting. frolicking.
in a bikini.
8% strips of spandex. 92% skin.
You might even be tempted to try on mr. summer of 2010 bikini.
Do a few crunches. ha.
Eat a carrot.
Twirl around the living room, all Sound of Music like, singing "I Have Confidence."
Then your husband will tell you how beautiful you look.right.now.
The most beautiful you ever have.
Baby Bean will give a fist pump in agreement.
And you'll believe it.
Life is good.
Just a reminder.
The only reason you had abs in the first place, was because at the end of each workout...
Peanut Butter/Banana Eggos and Chocolate Milk reward.
That's really what this is all about.
{Bon Bon}
You are gorgeous no matter what size your tummy is... but growing a human is pretty freakin awesome which awards you thousands upon millions of pretty points : )
Gahhh I love this. All of it. You were beautiful then and you (all TWO of you) are beautiful now! Xo, Katie
P.S. Chocolate milk really is the best recovery drink, right??
holy amazing pre-baby BODY!!!
tho i am positive you still look as hot with a baby inside! that sounds so weird to say. a baby is literally INSIDE YOU. I am going to freak out daily when this happens to me!
and yes you are beautiful no matta what!
id rather have a prego belly knowing theres a fabulous amazing little baby in it than a flat skinny belly :)
When are you due!
Hahaha! THAT was entertaining....at your expense. ;) I think we know you'll be back in your skinny jeans in no time.
As for the bikinis...I had three babies and I may be thin, but I will never wear a bikini again. 3 babies in 3 years was not kind to my belly button. Argggghhhh. (Yes, I'm a mean pirate now because of it. Lol.)
Seriously, ix-nay on the inki-bay....for moi. Hopefully you'll be one of those moms we all wish we looked like on the beach 3 weeks after birth.
Aw, that is so sweet. :)
I remember when I was pregnant with my twin girls before I had to deliver them at 7 months pregnant they were still born I wore a bikini to the beach & lakes & I loved it! I didnt care because I carried sweet little ones with me.... remember that the weight with a little extra work does come off :)
No, no. I understand this. There are certain pictures that I'd do well to not look at also.
Aw, that's SO sweet! No worries Bon Bon, you'll get back into that bikini in no time! Next time you go swimming though, you'll have the cutest baby boy with you ;) Totally worth it!
Aw, that's SO sweet! No worries Bon Bon, you'll get back into that bikini in no time! Next time you go swimming though, you'll have the cutest baby boy with you ;) Totally worth it!
you are beautiful!!
Oh my goodness, I love this! I somehow lost track of your blog and am oh-so-glad I found it again. Isn't it hilarious when you look at those bikini shots and then realize that all of those ab muscles are to really hold in a little one?!?
I hope you are doing great being pregnant-I am quite loving it and it looks like you are doing the same! xoxo, Anna
i tried to get abs once... it never really worked out for me haha!!!
cutie swim suit!! Im sure if you give it time, you will fit right back into it!!
you look so good! my fear of being pregnant is getting stretch marks that won't ever go away :(
you are gorgeous mama! i only wish i looked as cute as you do pregnant. i'm completely jealous of your long lithe apendages and super cute torpedo belly :). but.... i can empathize. i think all pregnant women...even the cute ones have these moments...i know i've definitely had plenty. i just try to remember the end result... a beautiful little one who will make life so much better than flat abs ever could :).
You're beautiful and your baby will be absolutely gorgeous!
Such a great post! You are gorgeous inside and out...and I cannot wait to see pictures of that adorable little baby bean when they arrive! :)
Yeah!! You are totally right!! That's the important stuff!
Have a wonderful Thursday!
X Mandy
This is fantastic...I bet I will be the same way when I get farther along (only 21wks now). But, I did have a mini-breakdown trying on swimsuits and realizing they didn't fit anymore...but the hubby is still amazing and tells me how beautiful I am...aren't they great?!?
it's all about the rewards. and at the end of this, you get a baby. so i'm pretty sure it all evens out.
Awesome picture! I agree with wildchild ~ the reward will be fabulous! :)
This is honestly so sweet :) that's so great that he can make you feel beautiful no matter what! sigh. I love love!
What a great reminder of what TRUE beauty really is all about :)
You are like the dream pregnant person! Of all the pregnant women I've seen in this blog world, YOU are the one I aspire to look like while pregnant (which will be a long time from now). You'll probably be a skinny mini again before you know it!
I look back now and wonder why oh why i ever had trouble with that tiny bikini body of mine haha. Its all worth it when you hold your little one
Aww, love this. :)
i loved this post...and it is soo soo worth it in the end. trust in this.
PS - the abs come back.
So glad you stopped by my blog and left a comment, thanks! I'm even more glad I found your blog and I think it's funny and cute! New follower :)
P.S. your bod in this pictures is amazing..makes me feel bad and I'm not even pregnant!
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