Face: Laura Mercier Foundation Primer/Benefit Boi-ing Concealer/Stila Tinted Moisturizer in Bare/MAC Bronzer in Golden/Bare Escentuals Mineral Veil
Cheeks: NARS Blush in Orgasm/Benefit High Beam
Eyes: Urban Decay Naked Eye Palette/Stila Smudge Pot in Black/DiorShow Waterproof Mascara
Lips: MAC Lipstick in Creme d'Nude
P.S. "ORGASM" blush, "NAKED" eye palette, "Creme d'NUDE" lipstick
oh the irony.
Not that I ever read Cosmo or anything...
{Too much sex for this little innocent ol' heart to handle}
It's always like,
I'm reading on one page about how someone is racing to find the cure for cancer...
Incredibly intriguing and inspirational.
Perhaps I even wipe a tear from my eye.
and then, BAM, next page is how to pick your future husband based on his butt shape.
ok. so I move on.
I'm innocently reading about the newest moisturizing wonder lotion.
Perfect! My Grandma has been looking for something like this, I'll have to tell her about it, whatttt the...
BOOM, I've got shirtless men and cartoon depictions of the sideways samba.
arggghhhh. Grandmaaaaaa.
I'm just saying.
Marie Claire is more my style.
However, I did find my smokey eye inspiration from this Cosmo cover with Mila Kunis.
And I do enjoy getting glammed up from time to time.
Channel my past model life.
Even whilst 33 weeks pregnant.
I gotsta look sexy for my stud hubs.
who does have a great butt.
Didn't need a Cosmo article to help me out on that one.
Ok. and stopping.
{Bon Bon}
{Too much sex for this little innocent ol' heart to handle}
It's always like,
I'm reading on one page about how someone is racing to find the cure for cancer...
Incredibly intriguing and inspirational.
Perhaps I even wipe a tear from my eye.
and then, BAM, next page is how to pick your future husband based on his butt shape.
ok. so I move on.
I'm innocently reading about the newest moisturizing wonder lotion.
Perfect! My Grandma has been looking for something like this, I'll have to tell her about it, whatttt the...
BOOM, I've got shirtless men and cartoon depictions of the sideways samba.
arggghhhh. Grandmaaaaaa.
I'm just saying.
Marie Claire is more my style.
However, I did find my smokey eye inspiration from this Cosmo cover with Mila Kunis.
And I do enjoy getting glammed up from time to time.
Channel my past model life.
Even whilst 33 weeks pregnant.
I gotsta look sexy for my stud hubs.
who does have a great butt.
Didn't need a Cosmo article to help me out on that one.
Ok. and stopping.
{Bon Bon}
you look so cute! more bump pictures! lol
Hahaha this post made me laugh so hard! :-)
xoxo miss ALK
You're funny chica! :) I can totally relate to this...that magazine is all over the map!
You look gorgeous and I always feel weird about cosmo too. Hahaha! Awkward christian thing.
lovelovelove the belly pic! More! More!
You look outrageously beautiful and I got a good laugh out of your cosmo criticism, haha :) I hardly ever read cosmo anymore because each issue seems exactly the same as the one before it.
Thanks for the laugh. :) You and your makeup look fabulous. Question-did you use the Urban Decay for your eyebrows? Or was that something else?
Look at you all sexified looking HOT and glamourous. And from the look at that growing bump, you must have read at least a few cosmos ;-)
Your baby bump is so precious!!!
cutest preggo ever award goes to you!
seriously...i hope i am still so thin like you when im pregs. Sucha cute lil bod! k not i sound lesbionic. im not
this smokey eye looks fantastic on you. YOU DID SO GOOD! ive been hearing so much about the naked pallete i might have to get it
ok i hope you are squeezing that nice butt ;-)
The sex tips from Cosmo are really redonk, and I think are really just there for shock value. Also, the pretty much repeat the same info and survey every month sooooo you're not missing much! Dan Savage and Sue Johanson are where it's at for that sort of advice. Honestly, I am more Glamour myself.
I love how you don't take yourself super seriously too :)!
Love the Naked Eye Palette! Hubster knew I wanted one and spent every day waiting for it to not be sold out and surprised me on my birthday. It's my favorite thing ever.
Your commentary on Cosmo killed me. Hilarious, but true.
-Kylee Noelle
You look gorgeous. And I've been waiting for a new bump picture! Finally!! :)
ALso, the MAC lipstick that you are wearing is the exact one that I am dreaming about for weeks. I wish I could finally just buy it. Sigh.
Cute! I love the smoky eye look. That whole look is absolutely fabulous on you!
<3 Daryl
Roots, Wings, and Other Things.
you look great. love your dress!
Haha I love that! I agree with you about cosmo, I just dont think I could put it as funny as you!
Hahahaha. I love this post. I am totally with you on the whole Cosmo thing, but I will agree that the inspiration for your make-up is great and you look gorgeous. :)
:) :) I'm with you on the cosmo magazine awkwardness. & you do the smokey-eye beautifully!! :)
Love the bump pictures--you rock it, girl!
Love, Leigh
Hi! You commented on my fill in the blank friday post about breastfeeding! I just wanted to encourage you - it really is wonderful even though it's challenging! Good luck!
Y'all actually kinda look alike!! Both stunners!! And you are seriously the cutest thingggggg everrrrrr!!!
holy bump, lady! you're a hottie. great-butt-husband is a lucky man. but as for cosmo? i love it. i like a little sex slipped in between my inspirational stories. keeps things interesting.
your belly! you're so cute!
LOL Your are hilariously adorable.. And your bump nearly killed me, you looks fabulous! I've had baby brain for a while.. Your cute bump isn't helping! Haha
Okay. So it took me less than 2 minutes to know I want to follow your blog...but I am not about to be number 66_ and repeat the last number. Ha!
You are hilarious...and I knew I liked you when I saw a link to your kettle corn post. (I have a kettle corn recipe on mine, too. It's the best. Sometimes I eat it for dinner. Sshhh.)
And your "about me" page? I totally laugh at my own jokes, too. And I usually have to explain them to my husband. ;)
Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog! Your from Portland, OR too? nice to meet you! Congrats on your pregnancy! cute belly! and I love Laura Mercier make up, my favorites! Looking forward to read more on your cute blog!
Girl you look awesome!
(and ya.. Cosmo is a little out there for me too!)
hahah too cute...gotta love makeup inspiration...I totally agree with you about cosmo...i <3 self and glamour
you look AMAZING! Beautiful girl!
thanks for coming by and commenting!!! XO
OHMYGOSH! You are the cutest little pregnant girlie! Haha.
Your "review" of cosmo made me laugh. SO TRUE!
In response to your comment on my little bloggeroo: Store bought cards rock! I just have too much time on my hands these days, but thanks for the compliment, it succeeded in making me feel like quite the crafter hahaha.
Forgive me for blog stalking, but when are you due? Cause I saw some bump update photo and I think we're due around the same time - cool!
Your makeup is HOT, girl. You look stunning. Seriously. And I love that outfit.
P.S. Cosmo is such a guilty pleasure of mine. I'm not ashamed.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
you are super cute at 30+ weeks! :)
you have the cutest little torpedo belly ever. it's so tiny! you are the cutest. for sure.
Oh my CUTEST pregnant mama EVER! LOVE the makeup tips too :)
OH my gosh! I LOVED this post!! Seriously... it is so true about Cosmo.
Pretty sure you are the cutest pregnant lady I have seen. I will probably be the opposite and look like a whale. And then I will be trying to not hate you out of jealousy.
Just fair warning.
OH my gosh! I LOVED this post!! Seriously... it is so true about Cosmo.
Pretty sure you are the cutest pregnant lady I have seen. I will probably be the opposite and look like a whale. And then I will be trying to not hate you out of jealousy.
Just fair warning.
LOVE this post! You're adorable! I agree, Cosmo's articles are a little wacky! Your makeup looks beautiful! I wish I knew how to apply eye makeup better. :/
Ok, seriously, you look so great with that cute baby bump!
And your so right about Cosmo..it totally makes me blush...I could never read it in public anywhere without fear of what the next page would hold. lol
So so cute! Even though I'm a married woman, Cosmo still makes me blush :) I stick to Glamour magazine.
33 weeks! Your little one is going to be here before you know it!
You are gorgeous! I love your belly and I need to learn how to do my makeup. Yours looks AMAZING!
You are a bonnified hot momma! And if you umm, weren't already pregnant, I'd be thinking you'd be getting pregnant looking like that! Hah! You look gorgeous and mommy hood looks perfectly beautiful on you! I cannot believe you are almost there?! And putting on that beautiful smokey eye palette--Bonnie, you are a star* xox!
Oh dearrrr. Cosmo has provided me and my girlfriends with many good laughs. It's toooo much to handle! How they've had so many issues, I'm not sure- I feel like there are only so many tips, tricks and pos...., nevermind-you know what else.... haha!
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