{the she & him finished products of a watercolor morning with the Bean}
Someday in the future, hopefully in the far far eighty plus years far away future, my iPad tombstone will read..."Herein lies Bon Bon. She had enviable wavy textured hair and the gift of dabble."
{and a morbid sense of humor}
Music. Art. Writing. Cooking. Dreaming. Mixology. Decorating. Styling. Athletics. Linguistics. Speed Reading. Sewing. Paper Mache Puppetry. Creating. Doing numerous Its by Yourself.
Basically, everything from Butcher to Baker to Candlestick Maker and beyond.
{The term "butcher" is loosely being used here, due to an unfortunate incident involving a suicidal deer on HWY 212 back in the summer of 2010}
My real hobby is collecting hobbies.
Which is a cutesy roundabout way of saying: I like to quit things.
Once something gets too mundane or easy or boring or unnatural or hard or frustrating, I huff and puff my way off the mountain. {My last ski lesson was in 2001)
So, in honor of now being one of the Bean's "practice what you preach" role-models, and in homage to my collection of Giga Pets in the 4th grade that I starved off because they kept beeping me awake during the night, I am committing myself to a Renaissance Year! A year of trying, re-trying, and most importantly, finishing whatever I start.
{I'm specifically talking to the four books on my nightstand, a ukulele I ordered from Amazon, two baskets of clothes waiting to be folded since last last laaaast Friday, and season 3 of Downton Abbey).
No more sulking by the ski lodge fireplaces of life for me!
I'm going to open that unused bag of jewelry making supplies, dust off the out of tune banjo, sew something more substantial than a pillowcase, and re-watch "The Joy of Painting" episodes.
Maybe, first, I'll learn how to roast coffee beans.
I'm gonna need it.
I would also like to point out that the Bean beeped me awake for nine months straight and he's still here in one piece, so obviously progress has already been made.
Keeping a plant alive is another story.
{Bon Bon}