oh gosh.
a hyper squirrel. that about sums me up in this video.
Well. There I be.
I hope you survived all of the fidgeting, hair-play, and ummmm's.
The amount of typing required in this post is a nice perk though. Not gonna lie.
Happy (B or V)-logging to you!
whatever floats your boat
{Bon Bon}
You are adorable! You looked lovely too...I always have the same problem with where to look when using my laptop! :) I've been asked to start vlogs and am thinking about it and yours is FAB!
Liesl :)
your hair playing has nothin on mine lol.... why do we do that?!
I am quite happy you starting blogging again, because I always enjoy your posts.
Did you say "hi grandma?" hahahaha
Too cute.. yay for Vlogs!
Cute. Adorable. Pretty. Happy to watch you during my breakfast! Til next time! xox!
awesome! I've never vlogged before, but it's a great way to see each other in a more real light. hope you're doing well!
xo ange
you are TOO cute! loved the vlog ... and the gma shout out! :)
can't wait for more! xo!
Lauren @ tickled.
oh gosh...hyper squirral. that line cracked me up. you were too cute!! loved it.
Umm...so you are adorable. Everyone is doing vlogs now! Oh, and I always kept a journal too! I love that blogging is just another form of that. So glad you started blogging again so that we could be blogger friends!
Looking forward to the next one!
you are so stinkin cute!!!
You are SO DARLING!! :)
BAHHH! it's not loading for me =/ I'll try again later. Can't wait to see it and hear what you sound like. you know people are more real when u know what their voices sound like...is that creepy? hHAH!
Awww you are so pretty! And what a cute vlog. :) I haven't done one in ages. I'm just so terrified of public speaking, even if it is just in front of a camera. Hehe.
I don't know why I expected your voice to be lower, but it's a lot higher than I thought it would be. Looking forward to more! :)
okay, im convinced, i need to do a vlog now! youre so funny i loove it!
Hi BonBon! So very Nice to meet you, I am debb btw!! Ahhh you have to donate again, it's such a great feeling{not the needle} of course, but knowing you helped someone in need! I vote yes on one more try! :}
-I agree wknds with the fam are thee best!
I love it! You are so cute!
Such a cute vlog! You should join in on Vlog Fridays!
I unfortunately couldn't watch your vlog because my internet is so slow it took 5 minutes to load this commenting screen (no joke).
vlogs are totally scary. I've done one - and I am not sure I can do another.
Love the video that is so funny that your phone rang and you had to do a take #2, hehehe. Your earrings are so cute.
haha you're so cute!
i haaad to look at some of your wedding pictures after i saw the image you use as your profile picture..i had to see the rest of that dress! it is gorgeous.. and you looked beautiful :)
Oh this is great! It's my first time here and I went straight for the vlog! You're so sweet! :) Love the header! Looks so romantic<3
Thanks for visiting my blog! [and the get well wishes!] Tomorrow I finally know what's going on so hopefully that = felling better!
You are too cute! This makes me want to give it a try but I just don't think I am ready to watch myself on camera!
LOVE it. Love love love it, friend. :)
<3 leigh
haha, def not a creepy old man! you are way too cute to contain in a little video box. love this lades and your earings rock.
now i'm rest assured i'll be able to pick you out in a lineup, total standout! sweetness you are. ♥
You have a really sweet voice. & beautiful eyes. I would really love some make up tips, since make up is not really my thing.. :)
I have a horrible memory too - and when I write stuff down I remember way better - so I love that it's a great way to chronicle of your life (and meet great people too!).
Love it! I've been planning on doing something like this for a while, but haven't gotten around to it yet. But now I think I might! :)
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