If you came here looking for a "typical" blog post today, you won't find it.
You will find a little something something if you go {here}.
Possibly a guest post by me.
Maybe about Daniel and I.
Being Real People.
In Love.
Could be a good time.
Might be that sort of thing.
You'll just have to see for yourself.
Mind games, people.
{P.S. Thanks to the super-sweet Cole for letting me share some whim-wham love!}
{Bon Bon}
I didn't realize you two were so young. I mean you're the exact same age as my fiance and I, but for some reason I thought you were older, maybe because you're so mature?
Anywho. Cute read :)
So precious!
Fun guest post! It was fun to learn more about you and your husband as a couple and your story :)
hellO! i am visiting from cole's blog! i loved your feature over there and had to stop by! now following you! :)
LOVED reading your love story! You guys are soooo cute!
such a cute read! Did the missions program you were with in Kona happen to be YWAM??? i had a friend go through the program in 2009 (i think).
Love the blog! So cute :)
No way...what co-op did you live in? I used to live in Azalea when I was in college. My husband lived in Varsity.
That's great you are a nanny! I am working on my teaching credential right now I am a nanny during my program too!
Fun to meet other people in similar situations :)
I loved reading this! Such a sweet story. and I love that you have little traditions like wrestle sundays :)
Hello new friend!!
Ahhhh you're blog is SO CUTE! I'm totally following :-D
Hooray! Cute post Bons (can I call you that) (unless you hate it)! I've read how you guys met before but it didn't hit me until just now that we met our hubbys in the same exact way...me @ Azalea (you lived there right?) and Chris @ VH, first social of the year during connect week. Except it was an ice cream social and Chris was serving the cookie crunch flavor. ( well we had first met at Shasta the year before but we didn't really hang out (and he didn't notice me til the ice cream social the next year). Crazaaay!
Well I was coming to see you, but I'll go read your post over there.
CUTE header by the way...and I love that you featured your honey below. So sweet!
you're too cute! heading to read the guest post! :)
xo! Lauren @ tickled.
this is me stoppin....
I couldn't finish the sentence because I left to see your guest blog post.
Write it in lipstick
Thanks for the the blog comment. I'm so glad you did because your blog is lovely, the header alone is great! I think oranges are like a signal to my body that spring and summer are just around the corner. My mouth is watering now just thinking about them. Too bad I just brushed my teeth.
cool! gonna head over there now and check it. love to tha love!!! ♥
AWW> That was FAb. My happiness is from the bonnie and daniel story. And they lived happily ever after! The end. xox!
WOOHOO! Going to check it out!
What an amazing love story. God is so good!
loved reading you & daniel's love story over @ cole's blog. you guys are even cuter than i had originally thought. true story :).
i am headed over to read your guest post, but first i wanted to just say you are hilarious! loving your blog. :)
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