{gummy vitamins make it all better}
Last night while Daniel was at the Blazers game, I decided to stay home and relax. Or was forced to relax. By a fever. Decided/Forced. Potato/Potahto.
I think being sick a few weeks ago was the welcome-wagon for this lovely full-blown germ infestation. Oh joy.
So, how did I make myself feel a tiny bit better? A few little things of course.
kind of an ok evening.
Laughter is the best medicine, right? And everything else was just a fun perk.
Here's to some rest, lots of Nyquil aka 30 mL, and a new day.
Happy and Healthy Thursday wishes to you!
I'll be up and at 'em in no time.
Many important things are waiting for me. {Like planning my giveaway! What?}
Important things my friends.
And no, that wasn't the fever talking. A giveaway is in the works!
{Bon Bon}
I hope you feel much better soon, lovely! :)
It's those little things like a bubble bath or watching your favorite TV show for hours that make being sick a little more acceptable.
I love Nyquil. not that i take it when i dont need to or anything...i just love it.
hope your feeling better lovely!xx
i hope you fell better - a bubble bath always does the trick for me. can't wait for the giveaway!! xo kendall
oh no sugar pop! hope you are 100% asap! and back to shake your bon bon shake your bon bon! xox!
I love gummy vitamins! A bath sounds heavenly! I hope you feel better soon! xoxo
feel better soon!!! and enjoy those gummies :) xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams
feel better soon!!! and enjoy those gummies :) xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams
feel better soon! that happened to me this winter ... got sick once and it was all downhill! lots of baths, couchtime, and vitamins helped me! :)
Lauren @ tickled.
feel better soon! that happened to me this winter ... got sick once and it was all downhill! lots of baths, couchtime, and vitamins helped me! :)
Lauren @ tickled.
Me and the girls have been fighting a cold for 3 weeks now and finally are back to feeling better. Like you said, I think the first cold weakened your system for the next one:( Hope you feel better soon:)!!!
My boyfriend always used to tell me to take NyQuil when I couldn't sleep and I'd always say "But I'm not sick" oh happy day when I found Tylenol PM without the Tylenol... well until it really upset my tum tum and kept me up gahh
NE ways I am so sorry you feel icky! I think that's the worst when it's just the ickies so you have to go about your day, but everything is harder.
Here's to another hot bath and mask!
Oh and thanks for telling me how to differentiate between potato and potahto in text!
hi there!
your relaxing night sounds perfect, and seriously vitamins are the BEST! if all medications could be in a gummy form, i would be a much better patient!
p.s. thanks for stopping by my blog ;) im a new follower of yours, hope you can follow back so we can be new blog buddies!
Oh goodness! Hope you get to feeling better! <3
gummy vitamins are the best way! :)
I'm addicted to Scrubs.
Mmmm...gummy vitamins! Sounds like a nice, relaxing evening to feel better soon. : )
I really love the first pic!
Follow me? I'll be very happy if you do it!
Thank you so much!
hahaha I love scrubs I hope it made you feel better. If not I know the gummie vitamins did the trick. lol.
p.s. have you been tagged yet for the 7 facts award. I got tagged and wanted to link you up on my blog post tomorrow, is that ok?
Feel better soon sweet girl! I love gummy bear vitamins - like healthy candy! :)
Feel better soon sweet girl! I love gummy bear vitamins - like healthy candy! :)
I hope you feel better soon lady! Laughter IS the best medicine!
You didn't watch the Blazers game on tv? I was home alone, too until right before overtime when my husband got home. I had a great time watching the game while we were ahead. The second he got home we started losing so my husband ended up not coming home to a happy wife.
What do you think of the trade? Losing Przybilla and Cunningham is sad for me. I get attached to the guys, but Gerald Wallace should be a really fun addition!
Nyquil works wonders! I hope you feel better soon!! : )
you know, being sick is totally miserable, but at the same time it's kind of nice knowing that (if you have the energy) you can just take a bath and watch some scrubs without feeling the least bit guilty. the only thing i miss is my mommy taking care of me when i'm sick!! we live too far apart. :[
Hope you start feeling better soon! At least you had a nice relaxing girlie night...I love doing masks (:
enjoy some r&r lovely- hope you're 100% again soon!
laughter IS the best medicine!!! feel better, love. xo
Sleeping time medicine. Aka the Green Goodness as my husband calls it. I may be addicted. Just sayin :) Feel better gorgeous!! xoxo
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