{From My Heart to Yours}
Oh Valentines Day. What am I going to do with you? I understand the love/hate relationship we all have with you. What's not to love about a holiday that focuses on romance, chocolate, and flowers?
Then again, if you find yourself hrrumph-ing in the Hallmark aisle, feeling forced to pick out the perfect card for your significant other, (or spacing out that Feb. 14th has anything special about it and getting hrrrumph-ed BY your significant other), it kind of takes the "love" out of what it attempts to represent.
On the other side of the spectrum, maybe you feel forced to stay at home, eat pints of Ben & Jerry's with your girlfriends, (or by yourself), and watch a plethora of rom-coms. Preach it sister! I've been there too, (hey, it's kind of fun).
Sometimes February 14th just doesn't involve all of the love we hope it would or the world tells us it should.
When I think of love, I think of memories. Instances in my life where someone did something for me or said something to me. In those moments throughout the year(s), I felt tinges of love. It's something tangible I can hold onto. That's what drives me to feel loved, be loved, and ultimately, love others.
{Our 1st Valentines.2007}
Of course, since it's my 1st married Valentine's, I'll get a little mushy with the stud hubs and relish in my flowers and chocolates, (ahem. Daniel: Reminder, it's the 14th and caramel chocolates por favor). But I'm excited, because I know this isn't the only day I get loved on. It's just a small moment in life to make a little love memory, and even though Daniel is my life, he isn't my everything, if that makes sense.
My God, family, and friends show me little and big examples of love on a daily basis. So, my heart is full.
As Valentine's approaches, no matter what your situation or relationship status is, don't be afraid to feel loved and represent love. You can even start doing it, right...now, because it overflows and encompasses you on a daily basis. Even if you don't recognize it. Remember, it's the little things.
Now bring on the chocolate!
Be Loved today!
{Bon Bon}
I know people have different feelings on this day, because I think I have felt each of them over the years. This year however, I am super psyched for V-day... because on Tuesday I'm going to buy myself some discounted chocolates hehehe
Have a great first married V-day! I really hope you get your caramel chocolates.
Oh, I hope your first married Valentine's is the best! I go back & forth with Vday every year ... This year, we're not really celebrating ... Quiet dinner at home and maybe a movie? No need for us to fight the crowds at a restaurant! :)
Enjoy your first married Valentine's Day!
I know a lot of people who have mixed emotions about the holiday too. I feel you should celebrate your love everyday!
I tend to downplay VDay as well - and I'm married so I guess I should love the holiday. It was my Nana's birthday and growing up she always made this huge deal about it and bought us big baskets with candy and goodies. So now that she's passed away I think I equate the holiday with her and how much I miss her - just has a completely different vibe than what the holiday should feel like.
So we downplay VDay at our house!
Hope you have a wonderful first married VDay! Maybe hubby will surprise you with something good!
It's our first married Vday too. When I think about love, I think of memories too. I'm not sure what we'll do this year. I hate doing things just for the sake of doing them...I hope I can think of a fun way to make a memory, instead of just getting a card and chocolates.
HOLY SHIT. Name twins???? Let's be best friends. <3
Valentine's Day is way commercialized. Even though I'm engaged and have been lucky enough to have a boyfriend on quite a few V-Days, I have never been totally into it. I can't support a day that makes those who don't have a significant other feel like crap. You don't need a lover to be happy. Besides, why should one day be devoted to love? I firmly believe in showing love every day. Call me a hippie (please don't), but that's how I feel.
Anyway, Mr. A and I are celebrating our own V-Day the day before since that is the one-year anniversary of our engagement. It means more than V-Day. <3
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
It'll be our first married valentine's day as well! We're going to have a little indoor picnic. Nothing too crazy, but we'll still just spend some QT together :)
This is our first married Valentine's Day too! You're so right, the day is a good reminder of the ones we love, but we should be that way all the time!
Love your first Valentine's pic, you two are so cute!
That so makes sense about your Daniel. I hope you guys have a great 1st married Valentines Day.
Beautiful post! It's our first married Valentine's Day, too! Hooray!! We deserve to be a little extra mushy!
Our first Valentine's Day was 2007 and our first married is this year! We're twins!
Great post! I think I'm going to combine some of those ideas and stay home eating Ben & Jerry's with the hubs this year.
Great post! As usual :)
you have stated the above perfectly, sweet blogging friend... I couldn't agree more with your post on Valentines Day! Hubby is life, but not everything. And love is more than a day, it's memories.
Thanks for your comment on my blog a couple days ago. I'm following yours now.
ps. I'm from Oregon too!
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